

Career Resources

Career Advising

Career and placement services are available to students who are interested in career exploration and career decision making. Occupational interests, transferable skills, and other factors that contribute to making informed training and employment decisions can be reviewed with our Student Services staff. Advisement staff are available to review progress and program issues and to make modifications as needed during the training process.

The College not only provides training in specific job fields, but also provides assistance in obtaining employment for all program completers and current students. Career Resources are available to assist with securing employment according to industry demand and skills developed from your training.

Services include:

  • Identifying your skills
  • Refine resumes and cover letters
  • Participate in practice interviews

Job Placement Services

The College not only provides training in specific job fields but also provides assistance in obtaining employment for all program completers. Student Services will assist each student to locate employment according to industry demand and skills developed from the student’s training.

  • Identifying your skills
  • Discussing job goals and receiving customized feedback
  • Writing an effective resume and cover letter
  • Looking for work strategically
  • Mock interviews
  • Obtaining job referrals
  • Learning about and submitting on-line applications
  • Networking opportunities

Local Resources

Many agencies provide further assistance for job seekers. Take time to register with these organizations:

Public Job Board Links

Additional Career Resources

To receive assistance about career guidance and job placement services, please visit our offices at 88 S. Tooele Blvd., Tooele, Utah or contact Student Services at (435) 248-1800.


Student Employment Status Follow-up

We are confident that with our quality instruction you will be able to find employment. To evaluate the effectiveness of our programs, we ask that you notify us of your employment status. If you are already employed, become employed, or if your employment status changes, please notify your instructor or our placement specialist, Kim Rice at 435-248-1845 (call or text) or email krice@tooeletech.edu. You may also report current military service, the pursuit of additional education, or let us know ofÌý reasons that may prevent you from completing your program or finding employment. If you leave the college and we don’t receive a response from you, our placement specialist will contact you to request your employment status.
